An Impact Report on QS ImpACT is a detailed story of the positive action taken by an individual or a group of people, to support any of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It showcases the social, environmental, and economic impacts made in local communities, sharing stories of change and inspiring others.
By uploading your report, including quality images and social media links, you not only earn ImpACT Points, but also gain the chance to be recognized with prestigious QS ImpACT Awards and Scholarships.
Here is a simple guide to uploading an ImpACT Report:
Step 1: Become a Community Member
Join our vibrant community of changemakers by signing up here. It’s free and easy! Once you have registered as a member, don’t forget to verify your email—this step is crucial to ensure you’re fully prepared to share your impact story with us.
Step 2: Click on “Impact Reports”
Log in with your credentials and click on the “Impact Reports” section on our website. Once the page opens, scroll down and click on “Upload an ImpACT Report”.
Step 3: Describe Your Impact
Provide details about your impact, such as:
- The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that your work supports.
- An appropriate and catchy title and description.
- Clear photos of your impact activity
- Social media links of where you have posted about the impact activity
- Your impact award category
Step 4: Share Your Impact Metrics
Quantify your achievements by answering specific metric questions, such as
“How many people did you impact?”.
Tag or mention friends, councils, and partners who contributed to your success.
Step 5: Submit your ImpACT Report!
Once you have added all the necessary details and photos, go ahead and click “Submit”. Your ImpACT Report will be verified by our team within seven business days, and you’ll earn points for your submission. With a valid report live on our platform, you become eligible to win scholarships and awards! Exciting, right?
So there you go, in 5 easy steps, you can submit your ImpACT Report on our website! Don’t forget: The more details and links you provide, the stronger and more verifiable your impact report will be!
The deadline to submit an ImpACT Report to win a QS ImpACT Award is 4th November 2024. Learn more about the Awards and categories here.
Interested in higher education? Read about QS ImpACT Scholarships here.
Thanks for joining our global movement for positive impact, we can’t wait to see what you have accomplished!